Ohio Budōkan offers instruction in Nippon Karate-dō Genwakai for children, ages 8 years and older. The purpose of the children's karate class is to develop the whole child with instruction centered on development of the four key areas: physical, mental, social, and emotional. The instruction is dedicated to character development rather than competition. Children are taught and evaluated based on their own individual progression and taught the traditional qualities of self-respect, self-discipline, self-motivation, respect for others, respect for authority, initiative, and achievement. Classes are structured to promote these qualities in a safe and secure environment.
Classes will begin with stretching and strengthening exercises prior to a period in which basic techniques are reinforced. Groups are then formed by rank and instructors focus on improving established techniques and teaching new techniques or prearranged sets of movements. Genwakai Karate is a style that can be mastered by the average student within a relatively short period of time depending on attendance, ability, and effort. Class Times
Tuesday 6:00 - 7:00 pm Saturday 10:00 - 11:00 am Pricing There are no contracts, and the first class is free.
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